Saturday, May 3, 2008

Race 4 Humanity

For the last year or so I have been working on creating and branding a soon to be television show called Race 4 Humanity. We filmed it in Zitacuaro Mexico with a crew and cast to create a promotional piece for the pilot to sell to the networks. I was involved throughout the whole process from the pre-production to post production. The company I work for is Mediaologie and we specialize in production, post, graphics,web, and any other multimedia needs.
You can visit our site at
I am actually in the process of rebuilding our site right now to be a flash based with high quality images and animations.
I have just actually finished designing and developing the website for our show so we can post it up to show our product to the networks. It still need to be posted on its url and have the correct content put into it but that will be finished this weekend and I will update my blog with another post for it. We will be taking meeting with all major networks so it must be clear and impressive. My job was to brand all the artwork and style of the show. Its been a long journey but I am hoping for the best in the end.
Here is the link to what I have so far. It also includes the 5 min teaser trailer of our pilot.

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